Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chapter 3 questions

A Lesson Before Dying: Chapter 3 Questions

1. How does Henri Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative?
Henri pichot's insistence that Jefferson did it because he thought African American was beneath him and he should have to suffer his consequences and die as what he was labeled "a hog."
2. Miss Emma keeps saying that Grant "doesn't have to go" to visit Jefferson in prison. The narrator comments, "She was looking at me but not seeing me, and not meaning what she was saying either." What is Grant implying by this, and what does he think she means?
    Grant think Ms Emma look at him differently since he does not want to go see Jefferson in prison . He state the quote because she doesn't feel where he was coming from was to late to help him . Ms Emma wanted to make him feel bad .
3. What does the back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolise to Grant and his aunt? Why does having to enter the plantation house through the back door rankle Grant?
The back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolizes Grant going away to college and leaving behind the life that his aunt and Miss Emma had to live as servants. Having to enter the plantation house through the back door upsets Grant because when he left for college he was told to never go back to the back door.
4. How does Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot to speak to the sherrif on her behalf? Miss Emma prevail on Henry Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf by wanting someone else to take her position because she was African American and there was no way possible that she would be able to convince the sheriff.

Quotation Assignment:
Quotation Questions:
" I didn't raise no hog, and I dont want no hog to go set in that chair. I want a man to go set in that chair, Mr. Henri."
Chapter 3 pg. 20

1. Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jefferson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
- Yes, it characterizes Miss Emma it shows how she  felt about what they called her godson she knew she raise some better then a "hog" she wants Jefferson to die as a man and not a worthless hog and it characterizes her in a caring way.
2. To what contemporary issue does the quotation connect?
- The quotation connects to the issue that Jefferson is going to be put in a electrical chair soon to get executed.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

My dream is to be successful in life ,not even successful . Just become something where I can say I did it and take care of my family .  I would like to
become a pediatrician . When I was 6 years old I always wanted to play with babies n feed them. I would've love to take care of babies acutely or chronically ill.

I would achieve my goal by graduating high school in goto  medical school, primary care pediatricians complete three years of education in an accredited pediatric residency program. I will stay on tasks during classes n study for my tests to pass to get my license for nursing.  To make sure my goal is not deferred I will keep all negative people  and remarks away ,I will stay focus in will not let anything stop me on my journey . Even doe  I get side track a lot, I will make sure i put in much effort into making the things I want in life possible .

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hi ! My name is Tyressa Evans . I'm 17 years old in a junior at Bc Rain High School . I have a twin brother and a little sister . I'm. Very understanding and love taking pictures . When I'm not at school or at work , I play basketball or be with my best friend . My hobbies are playing sports . I play basketball , run track , soccer and etc. I will be graduating high school in 2018. I would be going off to college to be an pediatrician . Another thing it's Martin Luther King Jr .day . I'm not quite sure if we are able to say we have reached his vision, but I can say that he would be somewhat proud of the things that we as a society have got through . People do not look at us the way the use to or  judge. They treating us equal in some situations. Now days if you are getting judge it's about ur personality or the way you dress or by social media .